Sunday, January 13, 2008

First Reactions Quiz

Got this from someone, won't mention who... You know who you are!

This is called “FIRST REACTIONS QUIZ”. You have to type the 1st thing that comes to mind whenever you hear these 35 things. You can’t think and go back and change your answers.

1. Beer

2. McDonalds:

3. Relationships:

4. Purple:

5. Power Rangers:

6. Weed:

7. Steroids:

8. Cartoons:

9. The President:

10. Tupperware:

11. Florida:

12. Santa Claus:

13. Halloween

14. Alice:

15. Grammar:

16: Myspace:

17. Clowns:

18. Marriage:

19. Paris:

20. idk:

21. Redheads:

23. Pass the:

24. One night stand:

25. Donald Trump:

26. Neverland:

27. Pixie:

28. Vanilla ice cream:

29. Hooters:

30. High school musical:

31. Pajamas

32. Woody:

33. Wet Socks:

34. Dogs:

35. Love:


The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Okay, Okay. I will go first!

1. Beer
Mmmmmm... Beer.....

2. McDonalds:

3. Relationships:

4. Purple:

5. Power Rangers:

6. Weed:
Sinny Sin Sin!

7. Steroids:

8. Cartoons:

9. The President:
What an ass. I mean you got an hour or so to listen to my thoughts on this...

10. Tupperware:

11. Florida:
Their damn fault we had Bush. They deserve the country's old people!

12. Santa Claus:
Is Comin' To Town!

13. Halloween
How does that theme song go again?

14. Alice:
Cooper the waitress?

15. Grammar:
Usually bad

16: Myspace:
Well it is my space!

17. Clowns:
Are all clowny and such, which is to say scary!

18. Marriage:
Can you say compromise?

19. Paris:
Hilton Texas France

20. idk:
My BFF Jill?

21. Redheads:
Wouldn't mind one or two...

23. Pass the:
No No! It is puff puff, pass pass nikka!

24. One night stand:
Shouldn't it be called a One Night Lay instead?

25. Donald Trump:
Idiot with a bad rug.

26. Neverland:
Never go there!

27. Pixie:
Dust. Not to be confused with Angel Dust.

28. Vanilla ice cream:
Is the bestest thing I can't have!

29. Hooters:
Mmmmmmmm... Hot wings...

30. High school musical:
Da F#@* is that?

31. Pajamas

32. Woody:

33. Wet Socks:
Mean sad, cold feet.

34. Dogs:
Rule, and drool!

35. Love:
Never knew what I was missing...

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

1. Beer: Corona

2. McDonalds: Iced cofee

3. Relationships: reciprocity required

4. Purple: Daria, Tolanda, Ashley, & Tasha's favorite color

5. Power Rangers: Red

6. Weed: dime bag

7. Steroids: nothing

8. Cartoons: didn't watch them too much

9. The President: gas is too damn high

10. Tupperware: need to organize cabinets

11. Florida: went there before

12. Santa Claus: Is coming to town

13. Halloween: Trick or treat

14. Alice: Wonderland

15. Grammar: Work in progress

16: Myspace: boring sometimes

17. Clowns: Donna is scared of

18. Marriage: Damn when is my husband going to find me????

19. Paris: I'd love to go there one day

20. idk: Daria's favorite words

21. Redheads: nothing

23. Pass the:

24. One night stand: played out

25. Donald Trump: big money

26. Neverland: nothing

27. Pixie: dust

28. Vanilla ice cream: gas

29. Hooters: ain't all that

30. High school musical: nothing

31. Pajamas: Need some

32. Woody: wood pecker

33. Wet Socks: gross

34. Dogs: get away from me

35. Love: full of it

Unknown said...

1. Beer: Drunk

2. McDonalds: Yummy

3. Relationships: F is for fux

4. Purple: Fav color no im not a poof

5. Power Rangers: k pr0

6. Weed: Sup nigga

7. Steroids: fucking tool

8. Cartoons: Funny is cool, not funny is gay

9. The President: wanka

10. Tupperware: Whats that? Lol jks umm tupperware sux dick?

11. Florida: USA ftl

12. Santa Claus: faggot wheres my fucking bike

13. Halloween: Prank old ladys @ night

14. Alice: who?

15. Grammar: gay school

16: Myspace: gay

17. Clowns: scary shit

18. Marriage: Meh later

19. Paris: penis

20. idk: I dont know

21. Redheads: FUCKING RANGAS

23. Pass the: chicken (lol random mind)

24. One night stand: boo yeah

25. Donald Trump: Who?

26. Neverland: Good flik

27. Pixie: aka A fairy / poofta

28. Vanilla ice cream: Blurgh, bananna ftw

29. Hooters: Do the motorbike

30. High school musical: gayest film ever

31. Pajamas: comfy

32. Woody: wood

33. Wet Socks: wet

34. Dogs: gay

35. Love: dogs (thinking about dogs still)